© Noel Harrower 2018
Loving God,
I give thanks for my right foot and calf, which have been part of my body since the day I
was born. They supported me when I learned to walk. They supported me as a young
child and adolescent, enabling me to run, to cycle and to play. At eighteen, I was called up
for National Service – and when I learnt to march, my right foot and leg were no longer
leading the way. That responsibility was passed to my left leg. The limbs of my right
supported me when I went on Aldermaston marches, protesting against the development of
nuclear weapons in this country. They supported me as I climbed hills in England and
travelled through the alps in Switzerland. They helped me when I started to drive a car –
and when I was overtaken by an aneurysm in 2002, I was supplied with an artificial artery
that has served me well for ten years.
I apologise for any unintended hurt that I have caused to medical staff during my periods
of paranoia in the last two weeks. I give thanks to the surgeon and staff of the Queen’s
Medical Centre in Nottingham – and also to the doctors and staff here at the Royal Devon
and Exeter Hospital, for the way they are securing my future. Loving God, please bless
them all in their endeavours to serve their local community.
Noel Harrower
June 22
, 2012